Car Battery Replacement – Longmont

A car battery plays a detrimental role in the overall performance of the automobile. The car battery is responsible for all the electrical systems and components of the vehicle and supplies “juice” to the starter. When the battery starts to lose its charge or becomes old, or drained, it can result in serious issues with the electrical system and leave you with a car that barely starts or won’t start at all.

Best Auto of Longmont offers electrical diagnosis and car battery services to include car battery testing and car battery replacement. Our professional auto technicians will provide a thorough assessment of your vehicle and offer sound recommendations to get you back on the road fast.

Symptoms of a failing car battery include:

  • Check Engine Display – While the Check Engine light, when on, can indicate a host of issues, it can also mean that your battery is running low on juice. If the Check Engine light displays, it’s best to have your automobile checked by a professional auto mechanic.
  • Warped Battery Case – Extreme weather conditions and exposure to such conditions can cause physical damage to the battery case, such as bulging and cracking. If your battery loses its rectangular shape it probably isn’t functioning properly.
  • Slow Starting Engine – When you start your vehicle and the engine takes longer to turn over, this is a real indication that your car battery is failing and will soon need replacing.
  • Age – Batteries typically last, on average, 4-5 years. If you’re aware of the fact that your battery has reached its lifespan, it’s a good idea to have it checked on a regular basis, if not replaced.
  • Corrosion – The negative and positive connectors, or terminals, on the top of the battery can corrode. If you notice an ashy, white build-up on the connectors they are corroded and need to be cleaned, as corrosion can cause problems starting the car and lead to issues with the voltage.
  • Dim Lights – If the headlights, interior lights, or dashboard lights become dim this indicates that the battery is losing charge and needs to be checked out.

If you notice that your vehicle is having electrical system issues, or it’s not starting right, and suspect the battery is the culprit, bring your car to the ASE certified auto technicians at Best Auto of Longmont. We will take the time to perform a thorough assessment of your vehicle’s battery and provide car battery replacement, if needed. Give the trusted team at Best Auto of Longmont a call today!