Engine Services in Longmont

Replacing your vehicle’s engine can be the most expensive repair you can make on your car. Although the engine isn’t built to last forever, it can have a lengthy lifespan if it is properly maintained. Regular preventative maintenance provided by a licensed auto technician is imperative in keeping your engine healthy. Best Auto of Longmont and its ASE certified mechanics understands the complexities of the auto engine and have the knowledge and expertise to provide engine services from preventative maintenance to repairs and replacements.

Common Engine Problems:

  • Bad Spark Plugs:  Old or faulty spark plugs can cause misfiring or stop the engine from turning over. This is a typical issue in older vehicles and if not corrected, can create greater damage to the engine.
  • Poor Compression:  Inadequate air and fuel compression can equal serious issues for the car’s engine. Poor compression can be caused by holes in the cylinders, broken seals in the valves, or overused piston rings.
  • Failing Oil Pump:  A failing oil pump can seriously impact the lifespan of the engine. A properly functioning oil pump will provide the necessary lubrication to the engine, keeping it mechanically sound.
  • Leaking  Coolant:  If you notice that your coolant stays low, even after topping it off, chances are there is a coolant leak. Keeping coolant free from debris and at the correct levels will help to maintain the proper temperature for your engine, keeping it safe.
  • Poor Lubrication:  Regular oil changes can be vital in keeping your car’s engine and parts properly lubricated. Poor lubrication in the engine can create unnecessary friction which can lead to overheating or the engine freezing up.
  • Faulty Oxygen Sensor:  This sensor is responsible for providing data on oxygen in the exhaust and fuel in the tank. If it starts to fail, it can be dangerous for the engine and the automobile.

Having a regular inspection of your car’s engine, along with regular preventative maintenance, can make all the difference in the health of your vehicle and its lifespan. If you notice you are having problems with your engine, or your check engine light is on, getting the necessary repairs can save you time and money in the long run. Best Auto of Longmont offers comprehensive inspections of your vehicle’s engine, preventative maintenance, engine repairs, rebuilds, and replacements to keep your car on the road. Call the professionals at Best Auto of Longmont today!