Ways to Winterize Your Vehicle

auto tune up LongmontIt’s hard to believe that the winter months are right around the corner. And while we’ve seen some unseasonably warm days here in recent times, Colorado’s climate can change at the drop of a hat. Just as we prepare for the colder temps by shopping for winter clothes and coats, or having our furnaces inspected at home, we sometimes forget about our vehicles. Colder temps, inclement weather, residue from road-salt, etc. can really impact the health of your automobile. Best Auto of Longmont offers maintenance services that will get your car ready for the winter months ahead.


Winterize Your Vehicle with These Simple Tips:

  • Tires: Make sure tire pressure is accurate. Low tire pressure can reduce traction, making travel on wet and snowy roads dangerous. If you live in an area where heavy snow fall is the norm, consider switching to snow tires.
  • Fluids: Refill and/or replace the fluids in your vehicle. Make sure you have the correct mixture of water and antifreeze to avoid freezing in the radiator. Refer to your owner’s manual for recommended ratios of these fluids or contact an ASE certified mechanic to have your fluids checked and filled. Washer fluid that can withstand cold temperatures is also recommended.
  • Battery: Have your battery inspected. The cold weather can reduce cranking power, so having a healthy battery, to include the cables, terminals, and fluid will help insure your car is ready for winter.
  • Heater: If you don’t feel like your heater is working, it could indicate a thermostat or coolant issue. Having a properly working heater can make all the difference in the winter months, especially if you find yourself stuck.
  • Oil Change: The engine can struggle if the oil becomes to thick, which can happen in cold climates. Have a licensed mechanic check and change your oil per your manufacturer’s specifications.


These simple tips can have you and your vehicle ready to face the winter months head on. Best Auto of Longmont and its team of experienced auto mechanics can perform these and many other preventative maintenance services and repairs to make sure your car survives the cold. Call Best Auto of Longmont today!